Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


The Rector welcomes the two-times african volleyball

Prof. Doctor Manuel Guilherme Júnior, the Rector of Eduardo Mondlane University, received, this Wednesday, in his office, the Académica de Maputo women’s team that has recently became two-time African Volleyball Champion in the Zone VI. Male athletes from Académica, Eng°. Altenor Pereira, the president of the club and Mr. Mohamed Valá, the President of the Mozambican Volleyball Federation also attended the meeting. Speaking on the occasion, the Rector congratulated the students’ team on their achievement, assuring that it was due to the result of the good organisation, dedication and commitment of everyone involved in the preparation process, from both the technical team and the University’s Sports Management. “We believe in your abilities and qualities and, as young people, this achievement can help build, firstly, your growth as human beings and, secondly, as sportsmen. Being in gatherings of this nature has a double advantage, namely, competing and reliving outside scenarios”, said the Rector. The Rector reiterated that the University will continue to support the Académica team to assure its participation in both the national and international championships and highlited that the preparation for the next competition events should be done in advance. In turn, the captain of the female team, Assiat Ibraimo acknowledged the University for the support it has given the club so that the trip to Lusaka, capital of Zambia, took place. Assiat Ibrahimo recognizing that her team was in better logistical conditions compared to the clubs of other countries that also participated in the championship. The same opinion was reinforced by the President of the Volleyball Federation of Mozambique, Mr. Mohamed Valá, recognizing that the support of the Eduardo Mondlane University has been crucial for this achievement, as well as the representation of Mozambique. It should be noted that the senior women’s team of Académica was crowned two-time African champion of Zone VI in sala volleyball after a difficult but fair victory, beating Police VI from Botswana by 3-2, with partials of 25/22, 25/22, 14/25 and 15/10. In turn, the men’s group took second place after losing in the final against Green Bufallos from Zambia by 2-3, partials of 27/25; 25/18; 18/25; 24/26; 13/15.